Healthy Lighting Concepts for Banks

We ask a lot of bank employees: they provide mentally demanding office work – indoors, under artificial light. In addition to that, they maintain customer contact – always friendly, smiling, understanding – no matter how the own constitution might be. 

Therefore in bank buildings, it is important to eliminate all disturbing environmental factors, to make the job as easy as possible. The light quality and the lighting design are easy elements to examine and can be improved with very simple measures.

Excellent lighting for best performance

Use high-quality light with full spectrum, whenever possible. That way it will be made easier  for the employees, to grasp their surroundings. The result: less fatigue.

Plan luminance and brightness levels – not only illuminances!

The brightest area in our field of vision automatically receives the highest level of our attention. That’s why it should be located at the workplace or at the meeting table – not on the ceiling. Adjust all other brightnesses within the room to this task. If walls are lit to approximately two-thirds of the highest brightness level, users will experience a more stable perception and less fatigue.

Avoid twilight between window light and artificial light.

The difference between natural daylight and artificial light can be settled by timed changes in light color. This facilitates seeing and makes it more relaxing for the brain. That way users can achieve their best performance.

Dynamic white light also has the advantage that the simulated rhythm of daylight supports the natural efficiency. The employees feel active, motivated and stay healthier and productive in the long run.

artificial light in waiting area - planlicht

How can Light create a feel-good atmosphere for clients?

Waiting areas for customers look pleasant and comfortable through natural light. In the winter months and in the evening the lighting changes to warm light. Bright rooms convey security. Use less area lighting; wall lights and spots, make for a more private atmosphere.

At the meeting table, you achieve concentration and relaxed activation by using clear white light, that does not appear too cool. Important: this light must be ajustable in its color. A mix of area lights and spot lights ensures natural contrasts and – essential for a good conversation – brillancy in the eyes of the person infront of you.

Clear visual references through light provide orientation for the clients. Illuminated walls lead the way and create transparency through reflective glass doors.  As well as zonal spot lights.

artificial light in waiting area - planlicht

How can the ceiling of the lobby create attention and become an eye-catcher for clients?

Representative rooms and foyer can easily accommodate light objects, annular luminaires, or very recognizable free form luminaires.

artificial light in waiting area - planlicht

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