We ask a lot of bank employees: they provide mentally demanding office work – indoors, under artificial light. In addition to that, they maintain customer contact – always friendly, smiling, understanding – no matter how the own constitution might be.
Lighting questions: CRI and the reduced curve
"I found a lamp, which is to irradiate food. The color places of the Board differ from the Planck's curve. Is there a CRi for this Board at all? Continue reading “Lighting questions: CRI and the reduced curve”
Lighting questions: Twilight
"How does the artificial light actually in connection with the daylight, at my place of work – because close to the window – is very much present?
Lighting questions: Vitamin D
"You mentioned in your speech, that vitamin D in sufficient amount in a half hour sunshine with a walk with rolled up sleeves of the body can be produced. This must be out there or may have same effect also through glass, such as in a winter garden be achieved?"
5 easy planning tips that will improve the life in the age
Light therapy, the activation by light in the age with artificial daylight is possible without additional support. No special light therapy equipment must be purchased to do so.
Continue reading “5 easy planning tips that will improve the life in the age”
Human centric lighting
Human centric lighting
The man at the center of the lighting. (= human centric to people)
Healthy light, this means not only perfect lighting quality.
Sunglasses and light showers
Happy new year! Like many others, I've used the opportunity to escape the winter and fly in the Sun. The time was running out and I didn't want to waste any day with sleep. And certainly not sure to cure jet lag.